Why Flange Style is the Most Popular Electric Water Heating Element

Last updated on September 26th, 2022 at 02:02 pm

Most industries have a need for heated water, whether for use in boilers, comfort heating or other processes around a facility, it’s important to have an efficient way to get access to boiling water whenever it’s needed. That’s why most industries rely on a flange style water heating element. It’s one of the most efficient and simple methods of heating up water.

The Highly Efficient Water Heating Element flange-heater

If you’re looking for the most efficient way to heat up water an electric heating element is one of the best options available. Electricity has long been known as one of the best ways to heat water, especially when used in combination with a submerged element like a flange water heating element. These products rely on electric resistance to generate heat that’s quickly transferred over to water.  

Heats above Boiling

Most of these heaters are designed to heat at above 230 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure that the water is fully boiled and transformed to steam. There are passive heaters designed to operate at low levels of pressure and direct heaters that can operate at much higher pressure levels needed in more intense applications.  

Precise Temperature Control

Another nice benefit of relying on an electric heater is that you have precise control over the temperature output. Most of these units are attached to RTDs and digital thermocouples to give you exact temperature controls. This is much harder to achieve with a gas unit, which is why electric heaters are often used in environments that demand absolute precision.  

Simple Maintenance

One of the key benefits of the flange style elements is how easy they are to maintain. You install one of the elements right into the tank or tubing where you’ll heat up water and when changes have to be made you simply remove the pressure from the system and unbolt the element to pull it out. It’s that easy. You can access the element in mere moments and you don’t have to take anything apart. That’s why so many facilities prefer the flange heating element.  

Attach to Different Sized Tanks industrial-electric-heaters

Another benefit of a flange element is that it can be attached to different sized units easily. This allows you to adjust your water heating capacity without necessarily having to replace the heating element to do it. Sure a larger element is ideal for a larger tank, but most elements are designed to function with a range of different volume levels so you have some wiggle room to work with.

A high-quality water heating element is one that meets all of your company’s heating needs and does so efficiently. If you can’t heat water to meet all of your company’s main needs you don’t have the right element. Most electric flange elements will meet water heating needs effectively and will operate in the range of conditions that your company is likely to face. That’s what defines a quality heating element and it’s what you should be looking for when outfitting your company with the heating power that it needs. Wattco provides a bevy of high-quality industrial heaters Click here for a quote on a flanged immersion heater, or contact one of our experts today!


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