Sustainable Heating Solutions with Infrared Heaters

Last updated on September 7th, 2023 at 03:06 pm

Delve into the realm of infrared heaters and their unparalleled energy efficiency benefits. Discover how these advanced heating solutions can revolutionize your energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint. From their targeted heat delivery to quick response times, explore the science behind infrared heaters and learn how to optimize their energy efficiency for a greener and more cost-effective heating solution.

The science behind infrared heaters

Infrared heaters are made with a heating system and a reflector. The heating system converts electric or chemical energy into thermal energy as the reflector directs the generated heat toward the intended room, object, or material.

The key to the energy efficiency of infrared heaters is the type of material used as the reflector. It should have a high reflectivity rate and a low absorption rate. The less heat it absorbs, the more heat can be sent to the right place. Good reflective materials are aluminum, stainless steel, ceramics, and quartz. 

Sometimes, the reflectors will be covered in other metals like gold, or ruby, to improve their reflective properties. Reflectors will be shaped in certain ways to ensure the infrared waves of heat flow efficiently outwards without bouncing back.

The heat generated by infrared heaters is unique in that it doesn’t heat the surrounding air. The electromagnetic waves flow unobstructed until they hit their target, and that will be where the heat starts to build. 

This means infrared heaters are energy efficient since they don’t waste heat along the way. They’re convenient and normally safe to use since they can be used casually in places like the garage, a living room, a cottage, or a shed. On the industrial side, they’re used for drying, printing, curing, and more purposes.

Leveraging the energy efficiency of infrared heaters

Infrared Radiant Heater WattcoConsider the parameters of your project, whether large or small and see how many of these points line up with your needs:

  • Infrared heaters have minimal heat loss since the ambient air isn’t heated, only the intended target. For example, if a surface or material needs to be dried with heat, an infrared heater can focus on the target as opposed to warming the entire room.
  • Where quick heating is necessary, infrared heaters reach their target temperature quickly and send it directly to the target. You won’t have to wait for the whole room to reach the right temperature to know the medium is being heated.
  • Infrared heating isn’t harsh; it’s a more natural heat like that which you’d feel from the sun. However, while providing heat, it won’t affect humidity levels, reduce oxygen levels, or evaporate moisture in the air.
  • Where moisture is a concern, infrared heaters will help reduce mold and mildew. These growths are inhibited since the moisture’s mobility is limited. This is beneficial in industries working with medicine or food where moisture can ruin the supply.
  • If the area is already loud enough, or the area is quiet and must stay that way, infrared heaters are an excellent choice since they don’t produce noise. They don’t use fans, engines, or other noisy components.
  • In health-care scenarios, for example, since infrared heaters are electric and don’t use particulates that affect the air, breathing clean air isn’t a concern, and neither is the agitation of particulates, toxins, or allergens in the air.
  • On the physical side, infrared heaters don’t dry out the skin and produce new problems. Rather, they help with blood circulation, respiration, pain and inflammation, and quality sleep.

Many of these points are reasons why industries, such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and health care, opt for infrared heaters when needed. There’s such an efficient heat delivery without negative side effects that fragile or health-related processes can operate without concern.

This isn’t to say that industrial settings can’t benefit as well. With direct heating, quiet running, and safe operation, industrial settings can use the heat they need without adding to the ambient temperature.

Wattco’s low carbon footprint products

Much like infrared heaters, Wattco’s other products are already environmentally friendly and energy efficient, with upgrades always underway to continuously provide the best, sustainable products to our customers. Whether you’re looking for infrared heaters, duct heaters, or silicone rubber heaters, check out our products, and contact us with any questions.


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