5 Common Industrial Uses for Circulation Heaters

A grey and silver circulation heater unit. Circulation heaters receive much praise in the industrial world for their ability to service many liquid heating applications. Certain sectors use these loop heating systems more frequently than others, but the range of settings in which circulation heaters can work is extensive.

This post will build off a
previous Wattco post and highlight some of these applications in further detail. 

  • Heating of various oils

Oil-based solutions encompass a wide range of products. They include hydraulic oils used in hydraulic machinery, lubricating oils, and fuel oils. These oils need to be heated at precise temperatures (and often, pressures) to reach a suitable viscosity for which the oil can be used commercially. Circulation heaters provide even heat distribution that allows these oils to reach their required temperatures without overheating them. 

  • Demineralized or deionized water

As their names imply, demineralized water is free of minerals, while deionized water is free of ions. Demineralized water is often used in automotive products (i.e., car washing), cosmetics, and the petrochemical sector. Deionized water is used in aquariums, to extinguish fires, and in chemical labs. Both the demineralization and deionization processes require heating and circulation, and the use of circulation heaters has become standard for both. 

  • Processing of gases 

Before gases can be used for commercial purposes, they often need to undergo a degree of heating. Some of these gases may be naturally inert and can only attain combustibility by means of efficient heating. Other gases are pressurized or have unique chemical properties that require special heating configurations. Circulation heaters allow for more control of these gases to attain suitable temperatures, in ways other heaters are inferior. 

  • Steam superheating

Industrialists often use superheated steam for propulsion applications such as turbines and steam engines. Superheating essentially provides a steady flow of steam that doesn’t condense, allowing a turbine or engine to remain in motion. Circulation heating adds heat to saturated steam, making it function more like a gas than a vapour. They do this more efficiently than other heaters that rely on direct injection of heat.  

  • Gasoline refining

Crude oil must undergo rigorous processing before it turns into usable products, such as gasoline. Petrochemical engineers need precise control over the temperature of the crude oil they’re processing. That’s where circulation heaters are advantageous. These heaters offer a feedback loop that’s easy to monitor and maintain control over, especially with temperature control panels. 

Choosing a circulation heater for your industrial applications

Circulation heaters provide unique advantages over more direct methods of heating, namely in terms of temperature control and even heat distribution. They’re also applicable for a wide range of industries and uses. However, even if your industrial application calls for circulation heating, its setup must increase the speed and efficiency of your heating efforts. 

Here at Wattco, we offer a range of circulation heater solutions that can facilitate your industrial needs and their requirements. We can also build custom systems to ensure you can sustain the required temperatures of your specific liquid or gas-heating application. 

Get a quote for your circulation heater today. Our representatives will help you find the exact setup needed for your industrial needs. 


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