The Use of Steam for Cleaning Machines and Parts

    Most industries require cleaning of machinery and automotive equipment for proper maintenance, for which a heating source is required. To clean these automotive equipment of milling deposits and grinding residues most industrial applications use steam heaters or flanged heaters to provide the necessary heating or steam needed for thorough cleansing. They provide reliable steam heating […]

    Preheaters of Natural Gas

    Natural gas is one of the most commonly used fossil fuel and a nonrenewable source of energy. It is mainly composed of two elements, Carbon and Hydrogen. The natural gas cannot be used as a fuel in its natural form. It needs to be processed and have its impurities removed, to be used for domestic […]

    Keystone XL Pipeline and Oil Viscosity

      The Keystone Pipeline system is a network of oil pipelines transporting crude oil from Alberta, Canada, through thousands of kilometers, to different United States refineries. Currently owned by TransCanada, the pipeline system was executed in three phases and is operational since 2010. Keystone XL Pipeline Keystone XL Pipeline is the fourth phase of construction […]

    Bitumen Heating

    .Crude oil, unprocessed fossil fuel, is one of the most important natural resources. In its unprocessed form, it does not have many uses but when refined through fractional distillation, it yields a number of products that have a huge variety of uses. Some of the refined fractions of crude oil also exist naturally in their […]

    Refineries and the Various Immersion Heaters Needs

    Electrical heating is one of the key procedures used by almost all the process heating industries. The process uses electrical energy to transform it into heat. Out of the many options of electrical heating, including flanged heater and bitumen heater, one of the most efficient and popular ones for refineries is the immersion heater. An […]

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