Applications of Electric Heaters in Carbon Capturing

Last updated on May 2nd, 2022 at 08:57 pm

CCS“CCS (Carbon capture and storage) is a necessity, not an option, for reaching net-zero emissions.”


Industrial producers and manufacturers are taking ownership of their role in the climate change crisis. The strategies and equipment they use directly affect sustainability and the environment. Industry leaders are already taking steps to employ electric heaters for decarbonization.

Electric heaters already help reduce emissions and waste. But one of the most important roles they will play in decarbonization is still emerging. Their part in carbon capturing and storage will help define industrial sustainability over the next 30 years.

Carbon Capturing

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other harmful contaminants into the atmosphere. CCS drastically reduces these negative effects by capturing carbon and storing it before it is released. Much of the captured carbon can be reused, not only reducing wasted energy but decreasing extra energy use and costs.

According to the Carbon Capture Storage Association (CCSA), this process can capture as much as 90% of CO2 that is released in industrial processes. The overall aims of carbon capture fall into two basic categories.

1. Environmental

The primary concern of CCS is to limit further environmental harm. Industries can achieve this aim by reducing emissions by capturing carbon dioxide emissions before they are released into the atmosphere. Furthermore, carbon capture heaters allow the reuse of captured emissions to reduce waste.

2. Use and Storage

The secondary goal and benefit of CCS is the storage and reuse of CO2. This is good for the environment, and it also decreases operational costs by reducing energy expenditure. The reduction in operational waste can also decrease fines and expensive removal costs.

CCS Process

As of 2021, power and industrial facilities have the capacity to capture 40 MtCO2. As well, capture methods can reclaim CO2 directly from the atmosphere. Although carbon capture and storage rely on intelligent technology, its basic process is four simple steps.

  • Catch – Capute flue gas and vent
  • Release – Applying steam for treatment and separation for reuse and product use
  • Conditioning – Adding flue gas and recirculating
  • Cooling – Adding cold air and exhausting excess


Carbon Capture Heaters

Electric heaters are at the core of effective carbon capture and storage. To achieve CCS goals, they provide three essential functions while supplying the accuracy, reliability, and emission-friendly features that have earned electric heaters renown.


One of their most important functions in CCS is the use of electric boiler heaters. They offer the most efficient method of generating steam and produce no additional emissions. As such, they can reduce the carbon footprint without contributing to the problem.

The boiler heaters are used for steam generation in the release phase of CCS. They supply steam and play a key role in product separation.

Heat Rise & Maintenance

Another important application of carbon capture heaters is bringing the product to its target temperature and maintaining that heat. Electric heaters are particularly well-suited to this as they are capable of rapid and efficient heating and extremely accurate maintenance. 


In the conditioning phase, heaters play a further role in increasing the usability of captured carbon. They can control and maintain temperature as emissions are recirculated and prepared for reuse, minimizing lost potential energy.

CCS Heater Quotes

Wattco custom manufactures electric heaters for carbon capture and storage. Our team of engineers works with your project specifications and budget to select the best heater and configuration.

Contact Wattco today for electric heater quotes and information.


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